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Igbo Mass

1pm Last Sunday of the Month

The Igbo people are an ethnic group from southeastern Nigeria who speak Igbo, a language from the Benue-Congo branch of the Niger-Congo language family. The Igbo Catholic Foundation of the Bay Area is an organization that helps people of Igbo origin to maintain their communal identity, continuous growth in enlightenment, and sustained hope of spiritual fulfillment. It is intended to rally all Igbo members scattered in various places to rekindle their religious zeal by worshipping together occasionally with expressions in their own indigenous language, which Vatican II has approved as the most sure means of making Christianity native and part of every people's culture. We are blessed to have the members of the Igbo Catholic Foundation coming from all over the Bay Area to worship here at St. Paul of the Shipwreck at 1pm on the last Sunday of every month.

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