Community Resources

Health Ministry
The Shipwreck Health Ministry partners with the Arthur H. Coleman Medical Center in the Bayview to provide a myriad of health programs for parishioners such as diabetes education, nutrition and cooking classes, free flu shots administered by Walgreens, Caring For Your Family’s Health, and Arthritis 101 and Cancer 101 workshops. Certified professionals conduct all health education classes. In addition there have been exercise classes, walking groups, and Zumba classes to increase physical activity and encourage healthy lifestyle changes.

KIPP Bayview Academy
The mission of KIPP Bayview Academy is to develop critical thinkers and change-makers who possess the academic foundations, social-emotional skills, and sociopolitical consciousness necessary to succeed at top-performing colleges and to lead meaningful, productive, and choice-filled lives.

Angel Tree Project
Shipwreck’s commitment to prison ministry is now in its seventh year by participating in the Angel Tree Program, which provides gifts and a festive party for children that have an incarcerated parent. Shipwreck’s annual party supports the connection to the child by the parent by reinforcing that the gifts were specifically chosen for them from their parent.
African-American Mental Health
"Wellness means being healthy physically, mentally and spiritually. Mental health conditions in particular can affect all of us. One in every four individuals has a mental health condition of some kind, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. African Americans are no exception...